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Saturday, June 25, 2011

The cause of global warming

The cause of global warming - Since known science regarding climate, scientists have learned that in fact the Earth's climate is always changing. From the study of ice ages in the past indicate that the climate may change by itself, and changed radically. What causes it? Meteor falls? Variations in hot sun? Volcano eruption that caused the cloud of smoke? Changes in wind direction due to changes in the structure of Earth and ocean currents? Or because of the changing composition of the air? Or other reasons?

Until the new to the 19th century, the study of the climate began to learn about the content of the gas in the atmosphere, referred to as greenhouse gases, which can affect climate on Earth. What is a greenhouse gas?

Actually known as the 'greenhouse gas', is an effect, in which the molecules in our atmosphere acts like a greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect itself, should be a natural effect to keep the Earth's surface temperature is at normal temperature, about 30 ° C, or if not, then of course there will be no life on Earth.

In about 1820, father Fourier discovered that the atmosphere was highly intruded (permeable) by sunlight entering the Earth's surface, but not all of the light emitted into the Earth's surface can be reflected out, infra-red radiation that should be reflected trapped, with Thus the Earth's atmosphere trap heat (the principle greenhouse).

Thirty years later, Mr. Tyndall found that the types of gases that trap heat are primarily carbon-dioxide and water vapor, and the molecules that finally named as a greenhouse gas, as we know it today. Arrhenius later showed that if the concentration of carbon-dioxide doubled, then the increase in surface temperature becomes very significant.

Since the discovery of Fourier, Tyndall and Arrhenius, scientists increasingly understand how greenhouse gases absorb the radiation, allowing to make a better calculation for linking greenhouse gas concentrations and increased temperatures. If carbon-dioxide concentrations are doubled, then the temperature may increase to 1 ° C.

However, the atmosphere was not as simple model calculation, the reality of raising the temperature can be more than 1 ° C because there are factors such as, say, changes in cloud amount, reflecting different heat between land and ocean, changes in water vapor content of air, surface changes Earth, either because of land clearing, surface changes, or other causes, natural or due to human actions. The evidence suggests, the existing atmosphere is getting warmer and the atmosphere holds more moisture, and store more heat, warming strengthening of the standard calculation.

Since 2001, studies on global climate dynamics indicate that at least, the world has experienced warming of more than 3 ° C since pre-industrial era, that's if you can suppress the concentration of greenhouse gases to stabilize at 430 ppm CO2e (ppm = part per million = per million of CO2 equivalent - which states the ratio of the number of molecules of CO2 per one million air dry). To be sure, since 1900, the Earth has experienced warming of 0.7 ° C.

Then, if indeed warming, as it is called; which became known as global warming, (or in terms of popular English language, we refer to as Global Warming): Is it an inevitable natural phenomenon? Or is there some reason that exhibited significantly, so it became 'popular' as it is today? Is it because Al Gore with his film "An Inconvenient Truth" to popularizing the global warming? Surely not that simple.

Need international cooperation to be able to say that indeed humans who became the main cause of global warming. Report of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) in 2007, showed that the global average since 1750 of human activity causing the warming. Changes in the abundance of greenhouse gases and aerosols due to solar radiation and the overall energy balance of Earth's surface affect the climate system. In a quantity that is expressed as radiative Forcing as a gauge whether the global climate be hot or cold (positive values ​​in red states or cause to be warmer, and the blue the reverse), it was found that was the result of human activity (anthropogenic) is a key driver of the occurrence global warming (Gb.1).

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