My Ping in

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The cause of global warming

The cause of global warming - Since known science regarding climate, scientists have learned that in fact the Earth's climate is always changing. From the study of ice ages in the past indicate that the climate may change by itself, and changed radically. What causes it? Meteor falls? Variations in hot sun? Volcano eruption that caused the cloud of smoke? Changes in wind direction due to changes in the structure of Earth and ocean currents? Or because of the changing composition of the air? Or other reasons?

Until the new to the 19th century, the study of the climate began to learn about the content of the gas in the atmosphere, referred to as greenhouse gases, which can affect climate on Earth. What is a greenhouse gas?

Actually known as the 'greenhouse gas', is an effect, in which the molecules in our atmosphere acts like a greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect itself, should be a natural effect to keep the Earth's surface temperature is at normal temperature, about 30 ° C, or if not, then of course there will be no life on Earth.

In about 1820, father Fourier discovered that the atmosphere was highly intruded (permeable) by sunlight entering the Earth's surface, but not all of the light emitted into the Earth's surface can be reflected out, infra-red radiation that should be reflected trapped, with Thus the Earth's atmosphere trap heat (the principle greenhouse).

Thirty years later, Mr. Tyndall found that the types of gases that trap heat are primarily carbon-dioxide and water vapor, and the molecules that finally named as a greenhouse gas, as we know it today. Arrhenius later showed that if the concentration of carbon-dioxide doubled, then the increase in surface temperature becomes very significant.

Since the discovery of Fourier, Tyndall and Arrhenius, scientists increasingly understand how greenhouse gases absorb the radiation, allowing to make a better calculation for linking greenhouse gas concentrations and increased temperatures. If carbon-dioxide concentrations are doubled, then the temperature may increase to 1 ° C.

However, the atmosphere was not as simple model calculation, the reality of raising the temperature can be more than 1 ° C because there are factors such as, say, changes in cloud amount, reflecting different heat between land and ocean, changes in water vapor content of air, surface changes Earth, either because of land clearing, surface changes, or other causes, natural or due to human actions. The evidence suggests, the existing atmosphere is getting warmer and the atmosphere holds more moisture, and store more heat, warming strengthening of the standard calculation.

Since 2001, studies on global climate dynamics indicate that at least, the world has experienced warming of more than 3 ° C since pre-industrial era, that's if you can suppress the concentration of greenhouse gases to stabilize at 430 ppm CO2e (ppm = part per million = per million of CO2 equivalent - which states the ratio of the number of molecules of CO2 per one million air dry). To be sure, since 1900, the Earth has experienced warming of 0.7 ° C.

Then, if indeed warming, as it is called; which became known as global warming, (or in terms of popular English language, we refer to as Global Warming): Is it an inevitable natural phenomenon? Or is there some reason that exhibited significantly, so it became 'popular' as it is today? Is it because Al Gore with his film "An Inconvenient Truth" to popularizing the global warming? Surely not that simple.

Need international cooperation to be able to say that indeed humans who became the main cause of global warming. Report of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) in 2007, showed that the global average since 1750 of human activity causing the warming. Changes in the abundance of greenhouse gases and aerosols due to solar radiation and the overall energy balance of Earth's surface affect the climate system. In a quantity that is expressed as radiative Forcing as a gauge whether the global climate be hot or cold (positive values ​​in red states or cause to be warmer, and the blue the reverse), it was found that was the result of human activity (anthropogenic) is a key driver of the occurrence global warming (Gb.1).

Global Warming is Real

In recent years, global warming has been the subject of a great deal of political controversy. As scientific knowledge has grown, this debate is moving away from whether humans are causing warming and toward questions of how best to respond.
Signs that the Earth is warming are recorded all over the globe. The easiest way to see increasing temperatures is through the thermometer records kept over the past century and a half. Around the world, the Earth's average temperature has risen more than 1 degree Fahrenheit (0.8 degrees Celsius) over the last century, and about twice that in parts of the Arctic.
This doesn’t mean that temperatures haven't fluctuated among regions of the globe or between seasons and times of day. But if you average out the temperature all over the world over the course of a year, you see that temperatures have been creeping upward.
Although we can't look at thermometers going back thousands of years, we do have some records that help us figure out what temperatures and concentrations were like in the distant past. For example, trees store information about the climate in the place where they live. Each year, trees grow thicker and form new rings. In warmer and wetter years, the rings are thicker. Old trees and wood can tell us about conditions hundreds or even several thousands of years ago.
Keys to the past are also buried under lakes and oceans. Pollen, creatures, and particles fall to the bottom of oceans and lakes each year, forming sediments. Sediments preserve all these bits and pieces, which contain a wealth of information about what was in the air and water when they fell. Scientists reveal this record by inserting hollow tubes into the mud to collect sediment layers going back millions of years.
For a direct look at the atmosphere of the past, scientists drill cores through the Earth's polar ice sheets. Tiny bubbles trapped in the gas are actually pieces of the Earth's past atmosphere, frozen in time. That's how we know that the concentrations of greenhouse gases since the industrial revolution are higher than they've been for hundreds of thousands of years.
Computer models help scientists to understand the Earth's climate, or long-term weather patterns. Models also allow scientists to make predictions about the future climate. Basically, models simulate how the atmosphere and oceans absorb energy from the sun and transport it around the globe. Factors that affect the amount of the sun's energy reaching Earth's surface are what drive the climate in these models, as in real life. These include things like greenhouse gases, particles in the atmosphere (such as from volcanoes), and changes in energy coming from the sun itself.

Global Warming Is a Cause of This Year’s Extreme Weather

It's almost a point of pride with climatologists. Whenever someplace is hit with a heat wave, drought, killer storm or other extreme weather, scientists trip over themselves to absolve global warming. No particular weather event, goes the mantra, can be blamed on something so general. Extreme weather occurred before humans began loading up the atmosphere with heat-trapping greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. So this storm or that heat wave could be the result of the same natural forces that prevailed 100 years ago—random movements of air masses, unlucky confluences of high- and low-pressure systems—rather than global warming.

This pretense has worn thin. The frequency of downpours and heat waves, as well as the power of hurricanes, has increased so dramatically that "100-year storms" are striking some areas once every 15 years, and other once rare events keep returning like a bad penny. As a result, some climatologists now say global warming is to blame. Rising temperatures boost the probability of extreme weather, says Tom Karl, director of the National Climatic Data Center and lead author of a new report from the Bush administration's Climate Change Science Program; that can "lead to the type of events we are seeing in the Midwest." There, three weeks of downpours have caused rivers to treat their banks as no more than mild suggestions. Think of it this way: if once we experienced one Noachian downpour every 20 years, and now we suffer five, four are likely man-made.

It's been easier to connect global warming to rising temperatures than to extreme weather events—and even the former hasn't been easy. Only in this decade have "attribution" studies managed to finger greenhouse gases as the chief cause of the rising mercury, rather than a hotter sun or cyclical changes. (The last two produce a different pattern of climate change than man-made warming does.) Now the same "whatdunit?" techniques are being applied to droughts, downpours, heat waves and powerful hurricanes. "We can look at climate-model simulations and likely attribute [specific extreme weather] to human activity," says Gerry Meehl of the National Center for Atmospheric Research.

The Midwest, for instance, suffered three weeks of intense rain in May and June, with more than five inches falling on some days. That brought a reprise of the area's 1993 flooding, which was thought to be a once-in-500-years event. The proximate cause was the western part of the jet stream dipping toward the Gulf of Mexico, then rising toward Iowa—funneling moisture from the gulf to the Midwest, says meteorologist Bill Gallus of (the very soggy) Iowa State University. The puzzle, he says, is why the trough kept reforming in the west, creating a rain-carrying conveyor belt that, like a nightmarish version of a Charlie Chaplin movie, wouldn't turn off. One clue is that global warming has caused the jet stream to shift north. That has brought, and will continue to bring, more tropical storms to the nation's north, and may push around the jet stream in other ways as well.

Global warming has left its clearest fingerprint on heat waves. Since the record scorcher of 1998, the average annual temperatures in the United States in six of the past 10 years have been among the hottest 10 percent on record. Climatologists predict that days so hot they now arrive only once every 20 years will, by midcentury, hit the continental United States once every three years. Scientists also discern a greenhouse fingerprint in downpours, which in the continental United States have increased 20 percent over the past century. In a warmer world, air holds more water vapor, so when cloud conditions are right for that vapor to form droplets, more precipitation falls. Man-made climate change is also causing more droughts on top of those that occur naturally: attribution studies trace droughts such as that gripping the Southwest to higher sea-surface temperatures, especially in the Pacific. Those can fluctuate naturally, as they did when they caused the severe droughts of the 1930s and 1950s. But they are also rising due to global warming, causing a complicated cascade of changes in air circulation that shuts down rainfall.

Hurricanes have become more powerful due to global warming. For every rise of 1 degree Celsius (most of it man-made) in surface temperatures in the tropical Atlantic, rainfall from a tropical storm increases 6 to 18 percent and wind speeds of the strongest hurricanes increase by up to 8 percent. As the new report acknowledged, "the strongest storms are becoming even stronger." Atmospheric conditions that bring severe thunderstorms (with hail two inches across and wind gusts of at least 70 miles an hour) and tornadoes with a force of F2 or greater have been on the rise since the 1970s, occurring about 8 percent more often every decade. Get used to it, and don't blame Mother Nature.

What is Global Warming?

The Earth as an ecosystem is changing, attributable in great part to the effects of globalization and man. More carbon dioxide is now in the atmosphere than has been in the past 650,000 years. This carbon stays in the atmosphere, acts like a warm blanket, and holds in the heat — hence the name ‘global warming.’
The reason we exist on this planet is because the earth naturally traps just enough heat in the atmosphere to keep the temperature within a very narrow range – this creates the conditions that give us breathable air, clean water, and the weather we depend on to survive. Human beings have begun to tip that balance. We’ve overloaded the atmosphere with heat-trapping gasses from our cars and factories and power plants. If we don’t start fixing the problem now, we’re in for devastating changes to our environment. We will experience extreme temperatures, rises in sea levels, and storms of unimaginable destructive fury. Recently, alarming events that are consistent with scientific predictions about the effects of climate change have become more and more commonplace.

Global warming Is

Global warming is the current rise in the average temperature of Earth's oceans and atmosphere and its projected continuation. The scientific consensus is that global warming is occurring and was initiated by human activities, especially those that increase concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as deforestation and burning of fossil fuels.[2][3] This finding is recognized by the national science academies of all the major industrialized countries and is not rejected by any scientific body of national or international standing.[4][5][6][A] During the 20th century, global surface temperature increased by about 0.74 °C (1.33 °F)[7][B] Using computer models of the climate system based on six greenhouse-gas emission scenarios, the 2007 Fourth Assessment Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) projected that global surface temperature is likely to rise 1.1 to 6.4 °C (2.0 to 11.5 °F) by 2100.[7][8]

An increase in global temperature will cause sea levels to rise and will change the amount and pattern of precipitation, probably including expansion of subtropical deserts.[9] Warming is expected to be strongest in the Arctic and would be associated with continuing retreat of glaciers, permafrost and sea ice. Other likely effects of the warming include more frequent occurrence of extreme weather events including heatwaves, droughts and heavy rainfall events, species extinctions due to shifting temperature regimes, and changes in agricultural yields. Warming and related changes will vary from region to region around the globe, though the nature of these regional changes is uncertain.[10] In a 4°C world, the limits for human adaptation are likely to be exceeded in many parts of the world, while the limits for adaptation for natural systems would largely be exceeded throughout the world. Hence, the ecosystem services upon which human livelihoods depend would not be preserved.[11]

The Kyoto Protocol is aimed at stabilizing greenhouse gas concentration to prevent a "dangerous anthropogenic interference".[12] As of May 2010, 192 states had ratified the protocol.[13] The only members of the UNFCCC that were asked to sign the treaty but have not yet ratified it are the USA and Afghanistan. Proposed responses to global warming include mitigation to reduce emissions, adaptation to the effects of global warming, and geoengineering to remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere or reflect incoming solar radiation back to space. According to a recent Gallup poll, people in most countries are more likely to attribute global warming to human activities than to natural causes. The major exception is the U.S., where just under half the US population (47%) attributes global warming primarily to natural causes despite overwhelming scientific opinion to the contrary.


Hutan merupakan sumberdaya alam yang tidak ternilai karena didalamnya terkandung keanekaragaman hayati sebagai sumber plasma nutfah, sumber hasil hutan kayu dan non-kayu, pengatur tata air, pencegah banjir dan erosi serta kesuburan tanah, perlindungan alam hayati untuk kepentingan ilmu pengetahuan, kebudayaan, rekreasi, pariwisata dan sebagainya. Karena itu pemanfaatan hutan dan perlindungannya telah diatur dalam UUD 45, UU No. 5 tahun 1990, UU No 23 tahun 1997, UU No. 41 tahun 1999, PP No 28 tahun 1985 dan beberapa keputusan Menteri Kehutanan serta beberapa keputusan Dirjen PHPA dan Dirjen Pengusahaan Hutan. Namun gangguan terhadap sumberdaya hutan terus berlangsung bahkan intensitasnya makin meningkat.
Kerusakan hutan telah meningkatkan emisi karbon hampir 20 %. Ini sangat signifikan karena karbon dioksida merupakan salah satu gas rumah kaca yang berimplikasi pada kecenderungan pemanasan global. Salju dan penutupan es telah menurun, suhu lautan dalam telah meningkat dan level permukaan lautan meningkat 100-200 mm selama abad yang terakhir. Bila laju yang sekarang berlanjut, para pakar memprediksi bumi secara rata-rata 1oC akan lebih panas menjelang tahun 2025. Peningkatan permukaan air laut dapat menenggelamkan banyak wilayah. Kondisi cuaca yang ekstrim yang menyebabkan kekeringan, banjir dan taufan, serta distribusi organisme penyebab penyakit diprediksinya dapat terjadi.
Kebakaran hutan merupakan salah satu bentuk gangguan yang makin sering terjadi. Dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan oleh kebakaran hutan cukup besar mencakup kerusakan ekologis, menurunnya keanekaragaman hayati, merosotnya nilai ekonomi hutan dan produktivitas tanah, perubahan iklim mikro maupun global, dan asapnya mengganggu kesehatan masyarakat serta mengganggu transportasi baik darat, sungai, danau, laut dan udara. Gangguan asap karena kebakaran hutan Indonesia akhir-akhir ini telah melintasi batas negara.
Berbagai upaya pencegahan dan perlindungan kebakaran hutan telah dilakukan termasuk mengefektifkan perangkat hukum (undang-undang, PP, dan SK Menteri sampai Dirjen), namun belum memberikan hasil yang optimal. Sejak kebakaran hutan yang cukup besar tahun 1982/83 di Kalimantan Timur, intensitas kebakaran hutan makin sering terjadi dan sebarannya makin meluas. Tercatat beberapa kebakaran cukup besar berikutnya yaitu tahun 1987, 1991, 1994 dan 1997 hingga 2003. Oleh karena itu perlu pengkajian yang mendalam untuk mencegah dan menanggulangi kebakaran hutan.
Tulisan ini merupakan sintesa dari berbagai pengetahuan tentang hutan, kebakaran hutan dan dampaknya terhadap keanekaragaman hayati yang dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber sebagai salah satu tugas mata kuliah dan dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan masukan bagi para pengambil kebijakan serta pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan bagi para pencinta lingkungan dan kehutanan.

II. Kebakaran Hutan dan Faktor Penyebabnya

Api sebagai alat atau teknologi awal yang dikuasai manusia untuk mengubah lingkungan hidup dan sumberdaya alam dimulai pada pertengahan hingga akhir zaman Paleolitik, 1.400.000-700.000 tahun lalu. Sejak manusia mengenal dan menguasai teknologi api, maka api dianggap sebagai modal dasar bagi perkembangan manusia karena dapat digunakan untuk membuka hutan, meningkatkan kualitas lahan pengembalaan, memburu satwa liar, mengusir satwa liar, berkomunikasi sosial disekitar api unggun dan sebagainya (Soeriaatmadja, 1997).
Analisis terhadap arang dari tanah Kalimantan menunjukkan bahwa hutan telah terbakar secara berkala dimulai, setidaknya sejak 17.500 tahun yang lalu. Kebakaran besar kemungkinan terjadi secara alamiah selama periode iklim yang lebih kering dari iklim saat itu. Namun, manusia juga telah membakar hutan lebih dari 10 ribu tahun yang lalu untuk mempermudah perburuan dan membuka lahan pertanian. Catatan tertulis satu abad yang lalu dan sejarah lisan dari masyarakat yang tinggal di hutan membenarkan bahwa kebakaran hutan bukanlah hal yang baru bagi hutan Indonesia (Schweithelm, J. dan D. Glover, 1999).
Menurut Danny (2001), penyebab utama terjadinya kebakaran hutan di Kalimantan Timur adalah karena aktivitas manusia dan hanya sebagian kecil yang disebabkan oleh kejadian alam. Proses kebakaran alami menurut Soeriaatmadja (1997), bisa terjadi karena sambaran petir, benturan longsuran batu, singkapan batu bara, dan tumpukan srasahan. Namun menurut Saharjo dan Husaeni (1998), kebakaran karena proses alam tersebut sangat kecil dan untuk kasus Kalimatan kurang dari 1 %.
Kebakaran hutan besar terpicu pula oleh munculnya fenomena iklim El-Nino seperti kebakaran yang terjadi pada tahun 1987, 1991, 1994 dan 1997 (Kantor Menteri Negara Lingkungan Hidup dan UNDP, 1998). Perkembangan kebakaran tersebut juga memperlihatkan terjadinya perluasan penyebaran lokasi kebakaran yang tidak hanya di Kalimantan Timur, tetapi hampir di seluruh propinsi, serta tidak hanya terjadi di kawasan hutan tetapi juga di lahan non hutan.
Penyebab kebakaran hutan sampai saat ini masih menjadi topik perdebatan, apakah karena alami atau karena kegiatan manusia. Namun berdasarkan beberapa hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyebab utama kebakaran hutan adalah faktor manusia yang berawal dari kegiatan atau permasalahan sebagai berikut:
  1. Sistem perladangan tradisional dari penduduk setempat yang berpindah-pindah.
  2. Pembukaan hutan oleh para pemegang Hak Pengusahaan Hutan (HPH) untuk insdustri kayu maupun perkebunan kelapa sawit.
  3. Penyebab struktural, yaitu kombinasi antara kemiskinan, kebijakan pembangunan dan tata pemerintahan, sehingga menimbulkan konflik antar hukum adat dan hukum positif negara.
Perladangan berpindah merupakan upaya pertanian tradisional di kawasan hutan dimana pembukaan lahannya selalu dilakukan dengan cara pembakaran karena cepat, murah dan praktis. Namun pembukaan lahan untuk perladangan tersebut umumnya sangat terbatas dan terkendali karena telah mengikuti aturan turun temurun (Dove, 1988). Kebakaran liar mungkin terjadi karena kegiatan perladangan hanya sebagai kamuflasa dari penebang liar yang memanfaatkan jalan HPH dan berada di kawasan HPH.
Pembukaan hutan oleh pemegang HPH dan perusahaan perkebunan untuk pengembangan tanaman industri dan perkebunan umumnya mencakup areal yang cukup luas. Metoda pembukaan lahan dengan cara tebang habis dan pembakaran merupakan alternatif pembukaan lahan yang paling murah, mudah dan cepat. Namun metoda ini sering berakibat kebakaran tidak hanya terbatas pada areal yang disiapkan untuk pengembangan tanaman industri atau perkebunan, tetapi meluas ke hutan lindung, hutan produksi dan lahan lainnya.
Sedangkan penyebab struktural, umumnya berawal dari suatu konflik antara para pemilik modal industri perkayuan maupun pertambangan, dengan penduduk asli yang merasa kepemilikan tradisional (adat) mereka atas lahan, hutan dan tanah dikuasai oleh para investor yang diberi pengesahan melalui hukum positif negara. Akibatnya kekesalan masyarakat dilampiaskan dengan melakukan pembakaran demi mempertahankan lahan yang telah mereka miliki secara turun temurun. Disini kemiskinan dan ketidak adilan menjadi pemicu kebakaran hutan dan masyarakat tidak akan mau berpartisipasi untuk memadamkannya.

III. Kerugian dan Dampak Kebakaran Hutan Pada Keaneragaman Hayati

3.1. Kerugian yang ditimbulkannya
Kebakaran hutan akhir-akhir ini menjadi perhatian internasional sebagai isu lingkungan dan ekonomi khususnya setelah terjadi kebakaran besar di berbagai belahan dunia tahun 1997/98 yang menghanguskan lahan seluas 25 juta hektar. Kebakaran tahun 1997/98 mengakibatkan degradasi hutan dan deforestasi menelan biaya ekonomi sekitar US $ 1,6-2,7 milyar dan biaya akibat pencemaran kabut sekitar US $ 674-799 juta. Kerugian yang diderita akibat kebakaran hutan tersebut kemungkinan jauh lebih besar lagi karena perkiraan dampak ekonomi bagi kegiatan bisnis di Indonesia tidak tersedia. Valuasi biaya yang terkait dengan emisi karbon kemungkinan mencapai US $ 2,8 milyar (Tacconi, 2003).
Hasil perhitungan ulang kerugian ekonomi yang dihimpun Tacconi (2003), menunjukkan bahwa kebakaran hutan Indonesia telah menelan kerugian antara US $ 2,84 milayar sampai US $ 4,86 milyar yang meliputi kerugian yang dinilai dengan uang dan kerugian yang tidak dinilai dengan uang. Kerugian tersebut mencakup kerusakan yang terkait dengan kebakaran seperti kayu, kematian pohon, HTI, kebun, bangunan, biaya pengendalian dan sebagainya serta biaya yang terkait dengan kabut asap seperti kesehatan, pariwisata dan transportasi.
3.2. Dampak Pada Keanekaragaman Hayati
Kebakaran hutan membawa dampak yang besar pada keanekaragaman hayati. Hutan yang terbakar berat akan sulit dipulihkan, karena struktur tanahnya mengalami kerusakan. Hilangnya tumbuh-tumbuhan menyebabkan lahan terbuka, sehingga mudah tererosi, dan tidak dapat lagi menahan banjir. Karena itu setelah hutan terbakar, sering muncul bencana banjir pada musim hujan di berbagai daerah yang hutannya terbakar. Kerugian akibat banjir tersebut juga sulit diperhitungkan.
Hutan alam mungkin memerlukan ratusan tahun untuk berkembang menjadi sistem yang rumit yang mengandung banyak spesies yang saling tergantung satu sama lain. Pada tegakan dengan pohon-pohon yang ditanam murni, lapisan permukaan tanah dan tumbuhan bawahnya diupayakan relatif bersih. Pohon-pohon muda akan mendukung sebagian kecil spesies asli yang telah ada sebelumnya. Pohon-pohon hutan hujan tropis perlu waktu bertahun-tahun untuk dapat dipanen dan tidak dapat digantikan dengan cepat; demikian juga komunitasnya yang kompleks juga juga tidak mudah digantikan bila rusak.
Luas hutan hujan tropika di dunia hanya meliputi 7 % dari luas permukaan bumi, tetapi mengandung lebih dari 50 % total jenis yang ada di seluruh dunia. Kenyataan ini menunjukkan bahwa hutan hujan tropika merupakan salah satu pusat keanekaragaman hayati terpenting di dunia. Laju kerusakan hutan hujan tropika yang relatif cepat telah menyebabkan tipe hutan ini menjadi pusat perhatian dunia internasional. Meskipun luas Indonesia hanya 1.3 % dari luas bumi, tetapi memiliki keanekaragaman hayati yang tinggi, meliputi : 10 % dari total jenis tumbuhan berbunga, 12 % dari total jenis mamalia, 16 % dari total jenis reptilia, 17 % dari total jenis burung dan 25 % dari total jenis ikan di seluruh dunia. Hal ini menyebabkan Indonesia menjadi pusat perhatian dunia internasional dalam hal keanekaragaman hayatinya.
Berdasarkan hasil penafsiran citra satelit Landsat 7 ETM+ tahun 2002/2003, total daratan yang ditafsir adalah sebesar 187,91 juta ha kondisi penutupan lahan, baik di dalam maupun di luar kawasan, adalah : Hutan 93,92 juta ha (50 %), Non hutan 83,26 juta ha (44 %), dan Tidak ada data 10,73 juta ha (6 %). Khusus di dalam kawasan hutan yaitu seluas 133,57 juta ha, kondisi penutupan lahannya adalah sebagai berikut : Hutan 85,96 juta ha (64 %), Non hutan 39,09 juta ha (29 %) dan Tidak ada data 8,52 juta ha (7 %). (BAPLAN, 2005)
Kebakaran hutan Indonesia pada tahun 1997/98 saja telah menghanguskan seluas 11,7 juta hektar. Kebakaran terluas terjadi di Kalimantan dengan total lahan terbakar 8,13 juta hektar, disusul Sumatera, Papua Barat, Sulawesi dan Jawa masing-masing 2,07 juta hektar, 1 juta hektar, 400 ribu hektar dan 100 ribu hektar (Tacconi, 2003). Kebakaran hutan setiap tahunnya telah memberikan dampak negatif bagi keanekaragaman hayati. Berbagai jenis kayu kini telah menjadi langka. Kayu eboni (Dyospyros ebenum dan D. celebica), kayu ulin (Eusyderoxylon zwageri), ramin (Gonystylus bancanus), dan beberapa jenis meranti (Shorea spp.) adalah contoh dari beberapa jenis kayu yang sudah sulit ditemukan di alam. Selain itu, puluhan jenis kayu kurang dikenal (lesser-known species) saat ini mungkin telah menjadi langka atau punah sebelum diketahui secara pasti nilai/manfaat dan sifat-sifatnya.
Setiap species mempunyai kecepatan tumbuh yang berbeda-beda, ada yang tergolong fast growing spesies terutama untuk jenis-jenis pioner, tetapi ada yang termasuk dalam slow growing spesies. Untuk keberlanjutan pemanenan jangka panjang jenis pohon yang lambat pertumbuhannya seperti Shorea ovalis, S. seminis, S. leavis, Vatica sp., Koompassia sp. dan Eusideroxylon zwageri, maka diperlukan kegiatan konservasi keanekaragaman hayati. Hal ini perlu dilakukan agar tidak terjadi kepunahan dalam jenis tertentu akibat kebakaran ataupun pembakaran hutan.
Jenis-jenis pohon dari suku Dipterocarpaceae merupakan bagian akhir dari suksesi hutan, karena hanya tumbuh di hutan-hutan yang sudah memiliki kanopi yang rapat. Jenis-jenisnya tersebar luas sekali, tumbuh di hutan-hutan dari dataran rendah sampai kaki pegunungan di seluruh Asia Tenggara dan sub-benua India. Suku Dipterocarpaceae merupakan bagian dari kayu keras yang paling berharga di dunia.
Selama beberapa dekade, hutan-hutan Dipterocarpaceae di Indonesia sering mengalami kebakaran baik yang disengaja maupun yang tidak disengaja yang berdampak langsung dengan hilangnya sejumlah spesies flora dan fauna tertentu.
Kehilangan keanekaragaman hayati secara umum juga berarti bahwa spesies yang memiliki potensi ekonomi dan sosial mungkin hilang sebelum mereka ditemukan. Sumberdaya obat-obatan dan bahan kimia yang bermanfaat yang dikandung oleh spesies liar mungkin hilang untuk selamanya. Kekayaan spesies yang terdapat pada hutan hujan tropis mungkin mengandung bahan kimia dan obat-obatan yang berguna. Banyak spesies lautan mempertahankan dirinya secara kimiawi dan ini merupakan sumber bahan obat-obatan yang penting.

IV. Penutup

Analisis dampak kebakaran hutan masih dalam tahap pengembangan awal, pengetahuan tentang ekosistem yang rumit belum berkembang dengan baik dan informasi berupa ambang kritis perubahan ekologis berkaitan dengan kebakaran sangat terbatas, sehingga dampak kebakaran hutan terhadap keanekaragaman hayati secara real sulit diperhitungkan secara tepat. Meskipun demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa kebakaran hutan menimbulkan dampak yang cukup besar bagi lingkungan hidup terutama bagi keanekaragaman hayati, bahkan dampak tersebut dapat sampai ke generasi lingkungan hidup selanjutnya.
Sebagai penutup tulisan ini dapat dikemukakan beberapa hal sebagai berikut:
1. Hutan merupakan sumberdaya alam yang tidak ternilai harganya karena didalamnya terkandung keanekaragaman hayati sebagai sumber plasma nutfah, sumber hasil hutan kayu dan non-kayu, pengatur tata air, pencegah banjir dan erosi serta kesuburan tanah, dan sebagainya. Karena itu pemanfaatan dan perlindungannya diatur oleh Undang-undang dan peraturan pemerintah.
2. Kebakaran merupakan salah satu bentuk gangguan terhadap sumberdaya hutan dan akhir-akhir ini makin sering terjadi. Kebakaran hutan menimbulkan kerugian yang sangat besar dan dampaknya sangat luas, bahkan melintasi batas negara. Di sisi lain upaya pencegahan dan pengendalian yang dilakukan selama ini masih belum memberikan hasil yang optimal. Oleh karena itu perlu perbaikan secara menyeluruh, terutama yang terkait dengan kesejahteraan masyarakat pinggiran atau dalam kawasan hutan.
3. Berbagai upaya perbaikan yang perlu dilakukan antara lain dibidang penyuluhan kepada masyarakat khususnya yang berkaitan dengan faktor-faktor penyebab kebakaran hutan, peningkatan kemampuan aparatur pemerintah terutama dari Departemen Kehutanan, peningkatan fasilitas untuk mencegah dan menanggulagi kebakaran hutan, pembenahan bidang hukum dan penerapan sangsi secara tegas.


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Monday, May 16, 2011

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Can Jakarta Face of Global Warming


The impact of global warming can not be inevitable by all people in the world including the citizens of Jakarta. Research from the International Institute for Environment and Development Britinia collaboration with City University of New York and Columbia University in 2007, mentions that one-tenth the population of the earth, or 634 million people who live near the sea will drown when the polar ice melting due to global warming the earth. The study also predicts that the whole of DKI Jakarta, West Java and Banten in part is an area that will be submerged at the latest until the end of this century.
Predikisi stating Jakarta will sink as the impact of global warming should be used as a kind of early warning for city officials to no longer produce policies, which were to exacerbate these effects for their citizens. Ironically, spatial planning in Jakarta from year to year even more environmentally unfriendly. This is evident by the reduced area of ​​green open space (green space) and water catchment areas in urban spatial structure from year to year.
Data BPLHD Jakarta says that in 2005, taking groundwater that is massive without offset by water that can enter the soil due to loss of green space and water catchment areas causing lead this city has experienced soil water deficit amounted to 66.65 million m3 / per year in that year. Water deficit will also cause the soil surface decreased in Jakarta. As a result, when the sea water rises due to global warming then the city would be submerged. Unfortunately, instead of revising the policies that are not environmentally friendly, the Jakarta Government and instead insisted on reclaiming the North Coast (northern) Jakarta to ignore the Ministerial Decree (Decree) Negeara Environment No. 14 of 2003 which claimed impropriety environment of the reclamation project. Some experts and environmental activists also thinks the northern Jakarta reclamation project will potentially worsen flooding in the city.
For this reason the Jakarta Environmental Caucus as an organization concerned about environmental issues in urban local government and parliament urged Jakarta to immediately reform the city layout as a whole in order to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of global warming. Rehabilitation of green space and other water catchment areas and the cessation of the reclamation project northern Jakarta is some agenda that must be included in the spatial restructuring of Jakarta.
To support the agenda that the Jakarta Government should immediately issue a moratorium on the policy (pause) the construction of new commercial areas in the city and gradually merelokasikannya out of Jakarta. Without the moratorium policy and relocation of commercial areas in Jakarta, the urban spatial restructuring effort to anticipate the impact of global warming just a lip service only.